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Interview of Counseling Psychologist Harsharan K. Randhawa published at e-magz BrilliantReads
Harsharan Kaur started as a teacher and has over 20 yrs of experience. /her passion to help the parents and students to cope with the pressures of education encouraged her to pursue psychology and eventually become a Counsellor. Read her full interview using the link below.
'Mission Shakti' Lucknow Invited Counseling Psychologist Meghna Singh as a guest speaker for Mental Health
Counseling Psychologist, Meghna Singh spoke on the relevance and importance of Mental Health especially in todays times for women and how their positivity towards their own mental health can translate into a better mental health of children and eventually the youth of the nation.
Mental Health Awareness Live with United We Care
Yet another successful interaction from Meghna Singh, Co-Owner Peaceofmind Counseling Services, with its live audience on the occasion of World Mental Health Week Celebrations conducted by United We Care, on the 6th of October. Listen to the complete video here.
Live Webinar on 'The IKIGAI Way of Life' by Meghna Singh (Peaceofmind Counseling Services) on 24th Sep, 2020
Peaceofmind in Association with PsyCoolG Connect, presented its first ever live Webinar streamed on Facebook and YouTube on thursday, 24th September 2020. The topic was quite new and interesting i.e. The IKIGAI Way of Life!
Workshop Series on Adolescent Issues: Anger Management
Anger is a very strong emotion experienced by all of us at some point in our lives or in specific situations that could be triggered due to various reasons. Anger in children especially in adolescent (9 to 17yrs) children if not understood maturely and managed well has been found to pose risks of for example school failure, adult unemployment, physical violence, mental illness, social withdrawal, failure in establishing or sustaining relationships etc.
Covid-19 Stress Management webinar for Adolescent Children
Peaceofmind Counseling Services carried out an open webinar for Adolescent children to manage Stress that they were experiencing due to the Corona Lock-down. The webinar of entirely conceptualized, designed and presented by Counseling Psychologist Harsharan K. Randhawa.